Have you found yourself asking “how am I going to afford tuition?“学生们经常 质疑大学负担能力. 皇冠新现金网明白存在竞争 priorities in a student’s life such as working while studying or caregiving that constrain 他们的时间. However, we want our students to think about college as a priority and 对未来的投资.
Butte College offers assistance to students through the following programs:
免学杂费最多两年.The 巴特大学承诺奖学金 offers up to two 一年s of free tuition and fees 第一次,全日制大学生. 这个项目是为了支持巴特的 goal that every student have the ability to learn a trade, complete a career program 或者转到四年制的学院或大学.
- 这是什么??
- This program will pay for tuition and fees for new, first-time, full-time Butte College 学生最长可达两年
- 谁有资格?
- All first-time students, including students who earned college units while still in
- 加州居民或AB540合格吗
- Complete a FAFSA or CA Dream Act application by the college census date each academic 一年
- Be enrolled in 12 or more units at the college census date and complete 12 or more 至少有2的单位.每学期平均绩点0
- All first-time students, including students who earned college units while still in
- 大学人口普查日期是什么时候?
- Generally, the college census date is after the first two weeks of the term
- 这个项目真的是针对所有第一次入学的学生吗?
- 是的!—this scholarship is not awarded on the basis of financial need—see program eligibility 以上标准
- 这个奖学金值多少钱?
- This scholarship is designed to be “last dollar,” meaning it is to cover tuition and fees that are left over after students have completed financial aid to see if they first qualify for any other grants such as PELL or CA College Promise Grant
- 具体包括哪些内容?
- The program covers full-time enrollment fees ($46 per unit) & 全职“服务费” like transportation and health fees ($119 per semester)
- 书有封面吗??
- 现在不行
- Are materials fees for students engaged in special programs covered?
- 现在不行
- 如何支付费用?
- Students’ fees will be waived once their eligibility is determined. 没有直接现金 付款将会发生
- Can students get their tuition waived if they take more than 12 units?
- 是的!
- 这个奖学金的有效期是多久?
- 该项目为期两年. 第一次,全日制学生开始 Fall semester can receive the Butte Promise for two consecutive academic 一年s
- Can a student begin the Spring semester and receive the scholarship?
- 是的. However, the Butte Promise will only cover the spring semester and next two consecutive 学期(秋季和春季)-不包括夏季
- How does enrolling in a summer course affect my 巴特大学承诺奖学金?
- Taking summer courses will not jeopardize your 巴特大学承诺奖学金 eligibility. Students are responsible to pay for their tuition and fees for any summer courses 他们选择报名参加. The 巴特大学承诺奖学金 covers only the main 一学年的学期(秋季和春季)
- What if a student drops below or doesn’t complete 12 units?
- 完成12个单元并获得2分.0 GPA是必需的. 不这样做的学生会成为 没有资格参加下一学期. Students that experience extenuating circumstances that prevent them from completing 12 units in the awarded term may appeal for reinstatement
- 学生们是如何开始的?
- What do students need to do to continue their eligibility for their second 一年?
The 加州大学承诺助学金 waives enrollment fees (tuition) for eligible students who are California residents or who have AB 540 status.The 加州大学承诺助学金 (CCPG) pays enrollment fees when:
- you are eligible for a Cal Grant or other need-based financial aid,
- you receive CalWORKs/TANF, SSI or General Assistance (or if you are a dependent student 你的父母中有一个得到了这种帮助),
- your total family income is within the income standards* (listed 在这里), or
- you fall into a special classification that includes dependents of veterans.
为 more information and details on the 加州大学承诺助学金, visit the 财政援助CCPG 网页.
联邦和州补助金Grants are money to help pay for college and are sources of financial aid that generally
不用还钱吗. 这些奖学金颁发给有经济困难的学生. 是
considered for grants, you must complete a financial aid application (FAFSA or CADAA你每年都在上大学.
- 联邦
- 佩尔
- 状态
- 加州大学承诺助学金
- 卡尔拨款
- CalGrant B & C
- CalGrant转让权利
- 有受养人学生
- 学生成功完成补助金
Many grants have requirements for remaining eligible to receive them each 一年. 为 more information and details on the grants offered at Butte College, view Types of 援助 金融援助 网页.
Help for Financial Emergencies and Disaster RecoveryWe get that while you're working hard to pursue your educational goals, manage bills, work and family — "life" can shift your focus and priorities away from class. “生命” 会以很多不同的方式发生吗.
访问我们的 在这里 to find details and application links for aid available to help with financial emergencies 或者灾难恢复.- 租金及房屋援助
- 协助CalFresh申请
- 转介到校园和社区服务
神话: I won't qualify for financial aid so I shouldn't even apply.
真相: 68% of all students receive some sort of financial aid.
神话: It's too late for me to apply for financial aid this 一年.
真相: You can apply for aid any time during the 一年, but some programs do have cutoff dates
- 金融援助
The 金融援助 Office supports the mission of Butte College in its student-centered approach, by providing aid and financial guidance to enable student access, persistence 完成高等教育. - 奖学金
A scholarship is gift aid that can be used to support a student’s education and does 不要求还款.